Lab 1 Static Choropleth Map Done in Flash

This is a map of the percent of each state's population that has a bachelor's degree and is 25 years of age and over.  It was gotten from the state quick facts from the 2010 US Census.  I just found it interesting data to observe .  Washington, DC is left out as it has value of 50% and is an extreme outlier, and it is not easily seen at this scale.  As for the 50 states, the highest value is 38.7% in Massachustes and the lowest is 17.6%.  For the purposes of actually making the map those were represented as 18% and 39% rounding to the nearest whole.  The class breaks results in a rougly normal distribution of the data with 5 sates in the lowest class of 18-21%, 13 in the 22-25% class, 15 in the 26-29% class, 10 in the 30-33% class, and 7 sates over 33%. The methodolgy for finding the class break down was calcuated by finding the range and dividing by the five classes wanted and rounding the numbers to the nearest whole resulting a class range of 4% for all classes except for the higest class which was all percentages over the upper limit of the second highest class.  With that breakdown the data happened to end up normally distributed which was nice.