Sping 2013 GGS 411 Final Project

This is my final project for GGS 411 offered at George Mason University.  It is a jump from the labs because it is done in Action Script 3 as opposed to Action Script 2 as the Flash labs are.  This map includes scene navigation as well as timeline controls and roll over effects.  It is a combination of a couple of labs.  The data presented in the MLS map are the teams playing in MLS each season of its existence including the current 2013 season.  The other map is a map of data concerning the senior United States Men's and Women's National Soccer Teams.  The world cups that the teams have been as well as the Olympics with major finishes.  The last category of data on the second map are some of the major results the US Men's National Team has managed over the years.

Weekly Blog Post 10: Interesting Interactive Map


This is a splash screened map that presents various measures of the United States.  The interface is easy to use and understand.  In addition, the data presetned is interesting and varied over a wide range of categories.

Weekly Blog Post 6: Shape Tweens


This is an intersting map of diabetes in the stae of Vriginia to the right of the map are shapes that move as well as change color as time moves.  Each of the cirlces is graduated based on the population of the coutny the represtent.  In addition, they ahve roll over effects that highlight them on the other chart as well as on the map nad provides a text box with information on that county.

Weekly Blog Post 4: Layer Control


This is an interactive map of the Harvard University campus.  That has allows viewers to turn layers on and off.  In addtion it has panning and zooming funcitons.  It is an interseting use of aerial photography to overlay the original base map but it is aligned so that the other layers are still in the right place when they are turned on.

Lab 10: Photo Shop Elements in Flash

First pre and post tsunami images were lined up as much as possible with the pre layed on top of the post then made translucent.  It was then brought back up to full and the coastlines and major roads traced.  These were then imported into Flash.  The images were left as they were, but the preimage was transfromed into a button and the phases of the button were then edited.  In the button phase editing the post image was turned into a roll over effect of the preimage button.  The result is above.  the devestation caused by the December 2004 Tsunami is incredibly apparent and large scale.